For those who flirt with adventure.

"Girlfriends Are For Losers" isn't just a brand, its a mantra for the bold. It's a way of life for the thrill seekers of the world who love to flirt with adventure and fall in love with life's most exhilarating moments.

Welcome to the lifestyle.

  • - Dustin

    "I took this shirt on a hiking trip and a bear gave me a high-five. Either that or he was trying to swipe my shirt. Regardless... ELECTRIC!"

  • - Grandma Jane

    "My grandson wore his `Girlfriends Are For Losers` shirt to our family reunion and I loved it so much that I ordering one for bingo night. Turns out its a big hit with the over 80 crowd!"

  • - Your Girlfriend

    "I found this in my boyfriends closet and I refuse to let him have it back. I wear it everywhere now."

  • - Gary

    "I started wearing my `Girlfriends Are For Losers` shirt while I worked in the garden and my plants have been growing faster... I'm not saying its magic but I'm pretty sure my cactus just winked at me!"

  • - Your Mom

    "My son started wearing this shirt everywhere. Someone please help him!"

  • - Dave

    "I wore this shirt at my last race and I broke the sound barrier. The race officials are still trying to calculate my time. I'm never taking this thing off!"

  • - Andy

    "I wore this while I was jumping on my trampoline and I'm pretty sure gravity got confused. I was just hanging there, suspended in coolness."

  • - Nick

    "Wore this while I was mountain biking and felt like I was floating on a cloud. I looked so good that bigfoot came out and took a selfie with me. Turns out his name is Adam... cool guy."

  • - Trevor

    "I wore this bad boy to my monster truck rally. When my truck saw the shirt it transformed into a robot and started dancing the worm! Coolest sh*t I've ever seen."